Monday, August 13, 2012

Helpful by Accident

I needed to make a shopping list for our upcoming vacation and I didn't have any paper nearby, but I did have an empty envelope from the mail received that day. I started writing my list as usual, and marked the items that I had a coupon for with a (c) and the items that were on sale with a (s).

Then a beautiful thing happened; I realized I could simply tuck the coupons that I planned on using on this shopping trip into the envelope! I took it a step further and wrote down the meals I needed to prepare and other tasks to be complete to get ready for the trip to avoid several different lists (which I am known for).

Shopping was so much easier! Well, as easy as it can be with a 4 and 1 year year old. Once I marked off the item on my list I put the corresponding coupon on my wallet in my purse.

I have tried countless methods of streamlining my list making, coupon using, shopping ordeal and this is my favorite to date. Next time I will put a paper clip on the envelope to hold the used coupons.

I even felt good about 'recycling' an envelope! (hey, it's the little things, right?)

1 comment:

  1. Great idea!! As you know, Alex has been the master shopper/couponer (I don't think that's a word) in our home, but it's up to me now--I'll definitely try this! Thanks for sharing ;)!!
